U. W. Star Wins Honor
Sailors Named Most Valuable Cager in the Nation
Kenneth Sailors of Laramie, a forward, captain of the national championship Wyoming university basketball team, Tuesday night was awarded the Chuck Taylor medal as the "most valuable player among the nation's college basketball teams."
The award was made following the finals of the N.C.A.A. cage tournament at Madison Square Garden in New York City. Sailors had earlier led the Cowboys to the championship in a 46 to 34 victory over Georgetown.
The award committee consisted of H.G. Olsen of Ohio State, Howard Cann of New York university, Ed Kelleher of Fordham, H.C. "Hec" Edmundson of Washington, and J.W. St. Clair of Southern Methodist.
The selection was unanimous, officials at the presentation said.
Sailors, a senior at the university and who will soon enter training in teh marine corps, won All-America rating at the national A.A.U. tournament at Denver 10 days ago.