Untitled Article
by Jim Kelly, Bulletin Sports Editor
Ev Shelton announced yesterday that he's taking his Cowboys down to Denver for the AAU
tournament that starts Monday. . . . The Punchers will leave for Denver Sunday, but their first game won't be known until after the draw. . . . Probably will be Monday or Tuesday, however. . . .
While the hopes of the San Diego Dons, sponsored by the San Diego Athletic club and one of the entrants in the AAU, soared yesterday. . . . Lieut. Kenny Sailors, former Cowboy great, has been added to the lineup, it was announced. . . . Kenny, leader of the 1942-43 NCAA champs, is still regarded as one of the greatest cagers ever developed in the Rocky Mountain region. . . . He just returned home from a tour of active duty in the South Pacific with the Marines. . . .
Milo Komenich will also show his wares at the AAU. . . . He's been going great guns with the 20th Century Fox all season and has been collecting rave notices on the coast. . . . They're calling him one of the greatest centers ever out there. . . .